Land Resource Guide Excerpts

{see above far left tab}

Land Resource Guide

 Questions You Need

to KNOW the ANSWERS to

           … and where to FIND Them

For all Land: vacant, commercial, residential, agricultural, community, industrial, institutional, business parks, etc…
…with or without homes, barns and other buildings,

For all kinds of users: Communities, Campuses, Cooperatives, Shared Interests, Investor, Farmers, Families, and for Individuals.

For all people: Land Seekers, “Owners”, Buyers, Sellers, Tenants, Guardians, and Wannabees.

With 500+ with The Basics, The Forms, & The Appendices Sections, this Mixed Media Guide is a beautiful and valuable education & experience
to KNOW your OPTIONS for BETTER CHOICES in your Life for all who walk the Land.

This Guide is based on my 40+ year formal education, professional career, and direct personal experience in real estate evaluation, acquisition, brokerage, law, taxation, planning, architectural and engineering design,
hands-on construction and development, as well as their management, and financing;

completed in conventional and alternative analysis and proven successful implementations.

10 Solid Reasons to get this Guide

. ..The Land Resource Guide is

  1. A compilation of information, systems, forms, and Questions that
    You Need to Know the Answers To. … giving you knowledge
    …especially of your rights and their origins, if you need to defend them!
  2. It guides You to WHERE and/or HOW to find these Answers.
  3. It can provide you with a Knowing of when to walk away
    … or to see the Value others have not.

    The Land Resource Guide presents You with

  4. An organized system to start You off correctly
    … and keep you on track … including:
  5. 164 pages of Forms, Checklists, Flow Charts, Tutorials, and over 100s of Prioritized Questions to research and evaluate Land …for any use or type of building.  (+up to 348 pages on 175 2-sided sheets with informative materials for optional printing or e-book reading.)         
  6. You get to know what You really can do You with the Land
    …saving You time, money, hassles, and broken Dreams.
  7. It is a Resource Guide to responsible, sustainable eco-development,
    and eco-building, proving You with long term better quality of Life!
  8. This Guide also saves You time, money, and potential hassles with professionals,
    as You can
    become knowledgeable of what You need to ask for and get billed for,
    You can do preparatory work yourself, if you choose.
  9. With over 500 links to over 22 hours of videos, movies + articles & workshops…
    leading You to 100s more links. It leads You to a variety of information,
    and an education
    to assist You in better KNOWing your OPTIONS
    from which You can make BETTER CHOICES in your Life! …only ceased by your choice of being fulfilled in your research.
  10. It prepares You to receive, Appreciate and be in Gratitude of your MotherLand.

(For excerpts, please float your cursor over the 1st tab on far left.)

have FUN with it  …and Breathe the air.
Live LOVE  …and Prosper!!!

The Questions and Forms in “SECTION 3: THE FORMS” ARE THE ONLY MANDATORY PRINTING of 164 pages on 164 sheets. Use the backs for organizing more of your research notes.

Section 1: THE BASICS is helpful, but not required printing of 199 pages. If You choose Section 1 prints 2 sides on 100 sheets.
Section 2: THE APPENDICES (Section 2 printing is not required) is alternative Supplemental Reading generally for topics raised in THE BASICS.  If you choose, Section 2 at 149 pages prints 2 sides on 75 sheets.
If You choose, the Full Land Resource Guide’s 512 pages can be printed on 339 sheets.

Land Resource Guide