About Author

It happened early for me, 3 – 5 years old, being enthralled in the creating of floor plans, and making models of homes and other structures with my childhood toys. …And also working the soil and tending in the garden with my Grandfather, a farm boy come to the city.

Then, beginning at an age of 18 years, in the mid 1960’s, with formally joining construction trades to finance my Degree work in Architecture and Construction Engineering Management, I began a major unfoldment in my Life which would encompass the next 4+ decades.

Now chronologically I am in the Glory and Wisdom of my 60’s, with the Enthusiasm of my 20’s and the Passion of my 30’s and the Dedication of my 40’s along with the Surrender of my 50’s.

During this 40+ year period, I have sat in every seat around the real estate-design-development-construction-finance tables, in the office and in the field. As a Laborer, Carpenter, Superintendent, Construction Manager, Planner, Architect, Engineer, Builder, Developer, Real Estate Broker, Financial Planner and Mortgage Officer and more, I have experienced bureaucrats, and “educators”, and politicians, and “do-gooders”, (even so called “do-gooders”, doing for only what does good for THEM); governmental interference with Nature and debasement of Natural Rights, and also the Divinity of Humans  …open, free, and creative. I have explored cutting edge science, philosophy, and some “ancient secrets” in the creating of manifestations, sacred geometry and the lives of mystics. I consider myself  a Frequency Scientist.

In one of my most satisfying roles, in Being with “the Land”, I served in a specialty niche of real estate for a period, as a vacant land real estate broker.  In the late 1990s, after being licensed in 5 states spanning about 25 years, I turned my back on selling land with or without buildings.  I found there to be no sacredness or honoring of  “the Land” in man’s most common uses. Instead, ever growing retail and office developments, industrial and residential subdivisions, and/or timber and mineral “harvesting”, big agra farms, etc. continued to flourish.

This lack of honoring was a very huge deal for me, even before I designed “Earth Friendly” and “Earth Honoring” housing in the late 70’s & 80’s. However, there were no cash buyers nor institutions to be found to finance such homes when the few interested buyers arrived.

At the time, other than the “ancients” and “indigenous” peoples, seemingly, there was no public clamoring that was ready to consider Earth honoring “alternatives”.  Most of the few individuals who were calling for the sacred ways were unable to afford land “ownership”, at least in an environment where one could sustain themselves economically.  Therefore, I even began to teach small numbers of folks how to physically build or manage the building of their own homes.

During the first decade of the 2000’s, I was led to many who were living in “alternative” communities, or were talking about it, or choosing to begin an alternative community. I was witnessing time and again that these folks of vision lacked the resources to get bank loans for the purchases, and it would take them decades to save the cash to forgo financing.  My Journey now moved my efforts to become a magnet to find banks or private lenders that would loan on “alternative housing”… log homes, dome homes, straw bale homes, bamboo homes, etc.  I became an independent and ethical mortgage facilitator until the mortgage crash.

This year of 2010, I was inspired to call upon the combining of all of my talents and tools of my Grand Life to assist in the “change” and/or “shift” of the blossoming of the Consciousness of Humans on the planet… the ever increasing call for intentional and/or sustainable communities.  …and the many, many more who clamor for acreage for their new Family Homestead….their MotherLand …even  others are desirous for small plots for a Home & a garden area… …and yet, others seek land for a variety of other honorable uses.

This work herein is a result of my Passion & Love of Mother Earth and her Children of all species and sentient Existence.

In-Joy your Journey…
Live LOVE …and Prosper!!!

p.s. I remain open for local and long distance consulting. See the link on the blog or web site, or email me at MotherLand@LiveLOVEandProsper.org

p.p.s. If after reading or using this Resource Guide, or during or after your Land experience, when You feel You have received more value than what You donated for this book, feel free to make subsequent donations to further our mission on assisting in the Expansion of Unconditioned Love. We do this by various means to reach the Hearts and Minds of Humankind.

Unsure of how much to donate?  Remember, an attorney, accountant, real estate broker, engineer, or architect would generally charge You $75 to $150, or more, for just one hour of consultation.  Your support by sending LOVE energy in support of what we do and who we are is also greatly appreciated.

Thank You all for your support in so many ways.

Land Resource Guide of Live Love and Propser